Activities News

Congress of Việt Nam Library Association term II (2011 – 2016)

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On November 24, 2011, the Congress of Việt Nam Library Association term II was taken place in Hanoi with the participation of over 200 delegates representing the entire members of the Association working at all library systems in every part of Việt Nam. At the congress, discussions has helped to completed the Summary Report of the 1st Term (2006 - 2011) and orientations for the 2nd Term (2011 - 2016) in such contents as expanding VLA members in the library related sectors, paying more attentions to libraries and operation of association branches, strenthening international cooperation, establishing joint branches of the association in academic library system by reagion or field of training, etc.


National Library of Vietnam organizes library readers’s Conference in 2011

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On October 3 2011, the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) has successfully organized library readers’s Conference in 2011. At this meeting, the NLV has received nearly 30 direct comments from generations of library readers: scientists, researchers, students, retired people whom have become friendly readers of NLV for years.



Delegation from the National Library of Korea has a working visit to the National Library of Vietnam

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doan-tvqg-han-quoc-2011-1On 31 October 2011, Ms Jung-eun Park, Librarian in charge of Window of Korea (WOK) and Ms. Jihae Jeon, Librarian in charge of Cultural Partnership program (CPI) have visited and worked with the National Library of Vietnam. The purpose of the delegation’s visit is to evaluate current use of books, facilities and discuss on effectiveness operation of Window of Korea corner at NLV (launching in 2007); concurrently to do survey on effectiveness of training librarians in Asean countries program within the framework of Cultural Partnership Initiatives (CPI) which has been implemented so far.


National Library of Vietnam starts the trainning course on network management, troubleshoot solutions and exploiting information resources

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On 24 October 201, National Library of Vietnam (NLV) starts the "training course on computer network management, troubleshoot solutions and exploiting information resources". The training course aims to equip participants with network management skills, Windows Server 2003 installation,  TCP/IP introduction, DNS, DHCP, service configuration, user account creation, resources sharing on the network, local and domain security, wireless network and LAN design and management, overcoming common problems and introducing information resources....


National Library of Vietnam co-ordinates with Cultural Newspapers to continue mobilizing readers voting for Ha Long Bay

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On October 25 2011, the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) continues to implement the program to propagate and mobilize library’s readers voting for Ha Long Bay as New natural wonder of the world. In this campaign, NLV co-ordinates with the Cultural Newspapers (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam) mobilizing and guiding readers ative voting for Ha Long Bay by two ways: voting directly on website and sending mobile message to phone switchboard (dial number 147).


La Trobe University, Australia donates books to the National Library of Vietnam

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On October 20th 2011, the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) has held a book donation ceremony from La Trobe University, Australia to NLV. At the ceremony, La Trobe University has presented NLV more than 500 books in English in many subjects areas such as Science, Education, Finance, Literature, Maths etc. This is the 2nd time La Trobe University donating books to NLV and has become one of supplemantary source of valuable English books for Vietnamese readers to get access to advanced knowledge of Australia.


The National Library of Vietnam’s Trade Union launches an unscheduled emulation to vote for Ha Long Bay

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Responding to unscheduled emulation planVote for Ha Long Bay as a new natural wonder of the worldlaunched by the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Vietnam (MoCST), the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) continues to implement the program to propagandize and mobilize library’s officials and staff voting for Ha Long Bay as New natural wonder of the world by two ways: voting directly through website and sending mobile phone SMS message to phone switchboard (dial number 147), starting at 11:11am on October 11 and finishing at 11:11 am on November 11, 2011


Final Competition "Proposal ideas to attract readers to the National Library of Vietnam"

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On 22nd September 2011, Executive Board of the National Library of Vietnam (NLV)’s Trade union held final competition “Proposal ideas to attract readers to the National Library of Vietnam”. On the purpose of enable officials and employees of NLV to express their creative ideas and promote working experience on building and development the library and attract more readers to NLV, from the beginning of July 2011, NLV’s Trade union has proposed and implemented the idea of competition “Proposal ideas to attract readers to the National Library of Vienam”. Within a month launching the competition, the Organizing Board has received 12 entries written by 12 divisions/departments of the NLV and selected 7 among 12 entries for the presentation section.


Wallonie-Bruxelles delegation donates books to the National Library of Vietnam

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20th September 2011, the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) held a book donation ceremony to receive 34 books in French offered by Mr. Franck Pezza - Head of the Wallonie - Brussels delegation, Belgium. The donated books have become one of valuable materials in French sources to NLV. Books donated from the Wallonie - Bruxelles delegation will enable Vietnamese readers update their knowledge on science and have deepen understanding of Belgium and French Community in Wallonie


Documentary Exhibition entitled “Ha Long Bay, exotic Beaches and Islands of Vietnam”

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In celebration of 66th Anniversary of August Revolution and the Independence Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2nd 1945 – September 2nd 2011) and the Vietnamese Tourism Year 2011 themed “Exotic beaches and islands”, under the approval of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam. Today, the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) in cooperation with Publishing Directorate, Publishing Houses, Book companies, corporations, central and local agencies, provincial/municipal libraries nationwide and international organizations in Hanoi organizes an "exhibition on pictures, photos, maps and documents entitled “Ha Long Bay, exotic Beaches and Islands of Vietnam”.

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