On 5th July, 2012, the NLV held a Preliminary Meeting to sum up the first 6 months of 2012, the Meeting partially summed up the emulation movement “Inheriting tradition, building modern libraries, heading towards the 95th Anniversary of the NLV”, analyzed, evaluated the achieved results, and pointed out the existing limitations, as well as determined directions, center tasks for the last 6 months of 2012 with the aim of further achievements to celebrate the 95 years of building and developing the NLV (29th Nov, 1917-29th Nov, 2012), fulfill and exceed overall targets, work plans with the highest efficiency; develop initiatives, improve professional activities, enhance readers service quality, expand international cooperation… especially successfully organize The 95th Anniversary of Establishment of the NLV, The Proposal to award Government Emulation Flag and First Class Independent Medal.