Award Ceremony of French Order of Arts and Literature to Mr. Pham The Khang

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H.E.Mr. Jean-Noel Porier, France’s Ambassador to Vietnam, on March 9 in Ha Noi presented the French Order of Arts and Literature to Mr. Pham The Khang, former Director of the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV). Mr. Pham The Khang has made great, valuable contributions in popularizing the French language and culture to Vietnamese people, including the preservation of French- language cultural materials, as well as boosting the cooperation between the National Library of France and the National Library of Viet Nam, said the French Ambassador at the award ceremony. Currently, NLV is still actively deploying professional activities related to the preservation, restoration, digitization the old French books for the purpose of facilitating the access to the precious knowledge stored in digital form for wider public users, while conserving the original, historical documents.


The subject acceptance at Ministerial level “Renovating managerial organization model and operation methods of Vietnam library”

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On 2nd March, 2016, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MoCST) held a Board meeting of evaluation and acceptance of science and technology subject at Ministerial level "Renovating managerial organization and operation methods of Vietnam libraries ". Deputy Minister of MoCST Mr. Huynh Vinh Ai holds the Chairman position of the board. Managerial organization and library operation play important roles which are crucial to the library performance efficiency. In recent years, library operation in our country is dramatically affected by the achievements of science and technology, especially information technology and communications, plus the trend of increasingly profound international integration that is making Vietnam libraries face new challenges in the organization of management and operation. Therefore, innovations are necessary in order to meet existing and future users’ requirements, fulfill the missions of libraries well to the society and the country.


Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Program between Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism – Ministry of Education and Training period 2016-2020

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In the afternoon of January 15, 2016 in Ha Noi, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) and Ministry of Education and Training (MET) signed a Cooperation Program on improving the efficiency of national management in library and enhancing activities about education, lifelong learning at libraries period 2016 – 2020. Attending the Ceremony there were Mr. Pham Vu Luan, member of Party Center, Minister of MET; Mr. Hoang Tuan Anh, member of Party Center, Minister of MCST; Mr. Huynh Vinh Ai, Deputy Minister of MCST, together with representatives from Departments, Bureaus, Units of MET and MCST. The Signing Ceremony of Cooperation between MCST and MET expects to increase the cooperation between the two Ministries in order to enhance the quality, effectiveness of public library and school library system’s operation, promote maximum the existing resources, abilities of two fields to develop programs, organize educational activities through this system. Besides, to promote propaganda activities, exchanges, serving books and newspapers to create reading habit, increase the sense of self-study, initiative, positive, creative of learners, help to promote the quality and effectiveness of education, meet the need of life-long learning of the people; Collaborate to solve difficulties, limits affect negatively to the school library’s activities.

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