General Assembly session of Francophone Library Network in 2016

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On 27th April, 2016, at the Headquarter of Organization internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Paris – France, General Assembly of Francophone Digital Network (RFN) has held a meeting with the participation of representatives from OIF and Directors of network’s member libraries. To the National Library of Viet Nam, we have Mrs. Kieu Thuy Nga – Director attending the meeting which is held on the 10th Birthday occasion of RFN. Speaking at the meeting, the RFN Secretary General emphasized the role of the network in promoting cultural diversity, maintaining and preserving French heritage through a digitization program to documents stored in the member libraries. This content has been emphasized at the session of RFN in Dakar - Senegal in 2015, which aimed to facilitate readers in Francophone to access French-language knowledge. During the past year, a number of pilot projects have been implemented by some members with technical assistance from French, Belgian, Canadian members, especially the Project provides digital materials for portal Gallica Marque Blanche of the National Library of France.


The National Library of Viet Nam hosts Book Festival Day 2016

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In responding to Viet Nam Book Day April 21st; World Book and Copyright Day April 23rd, in the morning of 21st April, 2016, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) has opened the Book Festival 2016 with the theme: “Book – Renovation, Integration, Development”. By inheriting successes after 10 years of implementing this event at the NLV, Book Festival Day 2016 is organized with a variety of activities. Participants will be open to opportunities to meet up and exchange with authors, literary critics, historians, librarians, readers… in the series of activities carrying social and educational meaning such as: Documentary exhibition “Book – Renovation, Integration, Development”; Round table discussion between authors – the works; The 11thViet Nam Book Award - 2015 ceremony;…


The 24th Conference of Directors of National Libraries in Asia and Oceania in Wellington - New Zealand 2016

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From 09-11 March 2016, the 24th annual meeting of the Conference of Directors of National Libraries in Asia and Oceania (CDNL-AO) and the seminar “Adding value through international cooperation” has taken place at the National Library of New Zealand, Wellington with participation of 27 delegates representing 17 National Libraries in the region. Speaking at the Opening session of the conference, Minister of the Internal Affairs of New Zealand (Ministry in charge of the library sector) has highlighted the value of reflecting national identity of the cultural heritage documents which are currently preserved by national libraries and expressed his desire that national libraries in the region should further promote the accessibility to these heritage documents, especially to inspire and engage the youth in the heritage conservation and promotion activities in each country.

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