The first session of the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators (INELI) – the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

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From 21st-24th October 2015, The first session of the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators (INELI) - The Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was called for short by is Project INELI - ASEAN (IA). This is a 03-year-long Project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the Library Association of South-East Asian Nations, with the aim of improving leadership skills, networking leaders of emerging public libraries to promote cooperation, and enhance collaboration between libraries in the South-East  Asian region. The establishment of information network for ASEAN public libraries (APLiN) - a common practice forum where the public libraries in South-East Asia are able to connect with each other would be the primary target of the Project. The project was implemented from June, 2015 to June, 2018 with 03 main meetings taking place in 03 different countries. Vietnam has 06 representatives involved in the Project INELI - ASEAN, including the Director of the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) participating as a Sponsor, 05 members (from the NLV, Binh Duong Province Public Library and Khanh Hoa Province Public Library...


5th Vietnam International Book Fair - Exhibition 2015

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In the morning 10th September 2015, at Thong Nhat Park Hanoi, Ministry of Information and Communications has opened 5th Vietnam International Book Fair – Exhibition 2015 with the theme “Vietnam development and integration”. Mr. Nguyen Bac Son, Member of the Party Center Committee, Minister of Information and Communications, with leaders’ representatives of some departments, Central agencies, publishers, printing agencies, issuing units in the country and overseas for attending the opening ceremony. This year’s Vietnam International Book Fair – Exhibition has the participation of more than 100 publishing, printing, issuing agencies in the country and outside with nearly 200 stands, including many major publishers in the world such as: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Hachette Book Group USA…


Signature du mémorandum de coopération entre la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam et la Bibliothèque et les Archives nationales de l'Egypte

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Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture, des Sports et du Tourisme du Vietnam, du ministère de la Culture de l'Egypte; par procuration de la Bibliothèque et les Archives nationales de l'Egypte, le 08.10.2015, à Hanoi, la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam et l'Ambassade de la République arabe d'Égypte au Vietnam ont signé le mémorandum de coopération entre la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam et la Bibliothèque et les Archives nationales de l'Egypte. La cérémonie de signature a eu lieu en présence de Son Excellence M. Youssef K.Hanna - Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire de la République arabe d'Égypte au Vietnam, M. Mahmoud Yehia – Premier Secrétaire de l'Ambassade de la République arabe d'Égypte au Vietnam; M. Nguyen Trung Khanh - Directeur du Département de la Coopération internationale, Ministère de la Culture, des Sports et du Tourisme, Mme Vu Duong Thuy Nga - Directrice adjointe du Département chargé de la Bibliothèque et des responsables de la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam.

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