Signature du mémorandum de coopération entre la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam et la Bibliothèque et les Archives nationales de l'Egypte

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Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture, des Sports et du Tourisme du Vietnam, du ministère de la Culture de l'Egypte; par procuration de la Bibliothèque et les Archives nationales de l'Egypte, le 08.10.2015, à Hanoi, la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam et l'Ambassade de la République arabe d'Égypte au Vietnam ont signé le mémorandum de coopération entre la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam et la Bibliothèque et les Archives nationales de l'Egypte. La cérémonie de signature a eu lieu en présence de Son Excellence M. Youssef K.Hanna - Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire de la République arabe d'Égypte au Vietnam, M. Mahmoud Yehia – Premier Secrétaire de l'Ambassade de la République arabe d'Égypte au Vietnam; M. Nguyen Trung Khanh - Directeur du Département de la Coopération internationale, Ministère de la Culture, des Sports et du Tourisme, Mme Vu Duong Thuy Nga - Directrice adjointe du Département chargé de la Bibliothèque et des responsables de la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam.


Grand opening of Gallery Exhibition “Facing the climate change”

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With the purposes of raising the awareness of people about environmental issues as well as preparing for reaction policies, reducing the risk of climate change, in the afternoon of 28th September, 2015, under the consent of Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism (MoCST), the National Library of Vietnam coordinated with the Embassy of Sweden, Swedish Institute, Manzi Art Gallery to solemnly hosting the grand opening of Gallery Exhibition “Facing the climate change”. The exhibition displays 27 paintings, which are the works of 5 Vietnamese cartoonists and 5 Swedish cartoonists, reflecting the phenomena of increasingly changing climate across the globe including Vietnam. The works’ theme elements are not only amusing but also no less incisive, interesting and convey a clear message: The future of the world depends on the awareness, way of thinking and action of each individual. How climate change does affect our lives and what we could do to minimize and prevent it.


National Library Board of Singapore donated books to the National Library of Vietnam

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In the afternoon of 24th September, 2015, the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) has solemnly held a Book Donation Reception from National Library Board, through the Embassy of Singapore in Vietnam. In recent years, Singapore and Vietnam have been conducted various operation activities towards constructing, developing two countries’ prosperity and ASEAN community’s sustainability. A lot of projects and agreements in such aspects: culture, education, science and technology have been signed and implemented by two countries’ institutions and organizations. In the framework of Project “Singapore 50: Gift of book project”, on the occasion of 50th Independence Day hosted by Singapore Government, there were 10,000 books donated to 40 countries around the world including Vietnam whose representative is the NLV with more than 300 copies received from Mr. Ng Teck Hean. This shall be the precious document helping the NLV’s readers learn more about the country, people, and culture of The Lion City, especially the books written about the well-known politician Lee Kuan Yew.

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