81st Congress of World Library – Information of International Federation of library associations and institutions (IFLA 81) in Cape Town – South Africa

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From 15th - 21st August, 2015, the 81st annual conference was held in Cape Town, South Africa by International Federation of library associations and institutions with the theme “Dynamic Libraries: Access, Development and Transformation”. There were 3,190 leaders and experts in the field of library and information from 112 countries around the world attending the conference. During the conference, there were 224 science presentations, dozens of satellite conferences, seminars, open forums, meetings that orientated development path of the world and region’s library, the session on the development of National Library (NL), public library, digital library, preservation of documents, equipment and library building, readers’ services, construction and application of professional standards of international library, facility exhibition, technology and library documents,…


Cérémonie de remise de don de livres par la Fondation Asie aux écoles primaires de Hanoi

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Dans le cadre du projet de don de livres en anglais par la Fondation Asie - période 2012-2015, le 17/07/2015, la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam (BNV) a organisé une cérémonie de remise de don de livres par la Fondation Asie aux écoles primaires de Hanoi. Ont assisté à la cérémonie M. Michael DiGregorio - Représentant en chef de la Fondation Asie au Vietnam; Mme Dinh Kieu Nhung – Première secrétaire de la Fondation Asie; Mme Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa – Directrice adjointe du Bureau Science - Technologie de l'information, du Service de l'Éducation et de la Formation de Hanoi; Mme Kieu Thuy Nga - Directrice de la Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam; les dirigeants de 12 écoles primaires de Hanoi, les directeurs adjoints et les représentants des services de la BNV. Le projet de dons de livres aux bibliothèques vietnamiennes de la Fondation Asie au Vietnam a commencé en 1993. Avec la collaboration de la BNV, des dizaines de milliers d’exemplaires de livres, de logiciels et autres matériels pédagogiques les plus avancés ont été distribués à 177 établissements, comprenant les bibliothèques publiques, les bibliothèques spécialisées, les instituts de recherche, les bibliothèques universitaires et les écoles à travers le pays.


The National Library of Vietnam coordinated with Quang Ninh Provincal Library to donate English books to 15 Primary school in the provincal area

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Responding to Vietnam Book Day 21st April, World Book and Copyright Day 23rd April, implementing the Agreement on the project of 2012-2015 period between the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) and Asia Foundation on sponsoring English books to school libraries in Vietnam, on 28th June, 2015, in Ha Long, the NLV coordinated with Quang Ninh Provincial Library to host a donation of 1,500 English books funded by Asia Foundation for 15 primary schools of the province. Attending the donation were Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha, Deputy Director of Quang Ninh Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dung, Deputy Director of the NLV, Mr. Pham The Khang, Chairman of Vietnam Library Association, Mrs. Dinh Kieu Nhung, Chief of Asia Foundation in Vietnam, Mrs. Vu Thi Kim Dung, Director of Quang Ninh Provincial Library with representatives from school managing board of Primary schools, Leaders of Culture Center and Children Club in Ha Long City.

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