Tài liệu Liên Hợp Quốc tháng 6/2024

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  1. SDG Stimulus Leaders Group, [xem chi tiết]
  2. Pact for the Future First Revision, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Letter from the Co-Facilitators with the Roadmap, [xem chi tiết]
  4. Long-term impacts of current trends on the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals: Report of the Secretary-General (E/2024/55, 3 May 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  5. United Nations Activities on Artificial Intelligence (AI) (ITU), [xem chi tiết]
  6. UNHCR archive offers insights and inspiration in addressing forced displacement (News Story, 7 June 2024), [xem chi tiết]


  1. Action on salt and hypertension: reducing cardiovascular disease burden in the WHO European Region, [xem chi tiết]
  2. Adolescents in a changing world: the case for urgent investment (UNFPA / UNICEF / WHO), [xem chi tiết]
  3. Arts for transformative education: a guide for teachers from the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, [xem chi tiết]
  4. Child Food Poverty: A Nutrition Crisis in Early Childhood - 2024 I Child Nutrition Report (UNICEF), [xem chi tiết]
  5. Climate Change in Regional Perspective - European Union and Latin American Initiatives, Challenges, and Solutions (UNU-CRIS), [xem chi tiết]
  6. Economics for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Europe – various World Bank reports, [xem chi tiết]
  7. The Energy Security Gains from Strengthening Europe’s Climate Action (IMF Departmental Paper No 2024/005), [xem chi tiết]
  8. Financing Gap for Universal Social Protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space (ILO), [xem chi tiết]
  9. A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey (WHO/Europe), [xem chi tiết]
  10. Global Land Outlook: Thematic Report on Rangelands and Pastoralists (UNCCD), [xem chi tiết]
  11. Handbook on the Least Developed Country Category: Inclusion, Graduation and Special Support Measures – Fifth Edition (DESA), [xem chi tiết]
  12. HIV/AIDS Inequality Visualization Platform, [xem chi tiết]
  13. Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers, [xem chi tiết]
  14. Impacts of the Conflict in the Middle East on the Palestinian Economy, May 2024 (World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  15. Inequality in the Arab region: Crisis upon crisis (ESCWA), [xem chi tiết]
  16. The Integration of Biodiversity in National Tourism Policies (UN Tourism), [xem chi tiết]
  17. Navigating Towards a Nature-Positive Future: Strategic Uptake of Evidence Towards Tangible Biodiversity Solutions (UNDP), [xem chi tiết]
  18. Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools 2015-2023: Special focus on menstrual health, [xem chi tiết]
  19. SDG Push: Unlocking New Pathways to SDG Acceleration (UNDP), [xem chi tiết]
  20. SIDS and UN DESA – Partners for a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future for small island developing States, [xem chi tiết]
  21. Safeguarding the right to adequate food during pandemics and emergencies: lessons from COVID-19 (IDLO/FAO), [xem chi tiết]
  22. State of the Ocean Report 2024 (UNESCO), [xem chi tiết]
  23. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024: Blue Transformation in action (FAO), [xem chi tiết]
  24. UN DESA Policy Brief No. 159: Demographic Outlook for the Small Island Developing States: Implications of Population Trends for Building Resilience and Prosperity across SIDS, [xem chi tiết]
  25. UNU Global AI Network, [xem chi tiết]
  26. Urban Content of NDCs: Local climate action explored through in-depth country analyses: 2024 Report (UN-Habitat), [xem chi tiết]
  27. WMO Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update (2024-2028), [xem chi tiết]
  28. Water for Shared Prosperity (World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  29. World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2024 (DESA), [xem chi tiết]


  1. Aide mémoire for the Security Council open debate on the theme “Protection of civilians in armed conflict: twenty-fifth anniversary of Security Council resolution 1265 (1999)”, [xem chi tiết]
  2. Gaza war: Expected socioeconomic impacts on the State of Palestine - Update (May 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  3. Youth, Peace and Security: Fostering Youth-Inclusive Political Processes (UNDP), [xem chi tiết]


  1. Hate Speech and Incitement to Hatred in the Electoral Context (OHCHR Information Note), [xem chi tiết]
  2. Human rights and the draft Cybercrime Convention (OHCHR Information Note), [xem chi tiết]
  3. International Solidarity Basics: Revised draft declaration on the right to international solidarity / Cecilia M. Bailliet, UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity, [xem chi tiết]
  4. Protection of the dead: Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Morris Tidball-Binz (A/HRC/56/56, 25 April 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  5. Speak Out Against Abuse! A guide on how to connect with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on The Sale, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse of Children, [xem chi tiết]
  6. Strengthening Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism Strategy and Policy: A Toolkit (OHCHR), [xem chi tiết]


  1. From Place to Place: Community Perception of Displacement and Durable Solutions in Ukraine; May 2024 (IOM), [xem chi tiết]
  2. Hunger Hotspots: FAO–WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity: June to October 2024 outlook, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Impact of the war in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 4, [xem chi tiết]
  4. On the Front Line: Investing in community health workers to improve health and nutrition (UNICEF), [xem chi tiết]
  5. Safe Pathways for Refugees IV: OECD-UNHCR study on pathways used by refugees linked to family reunification, study programmes and labour mobility between 2010 and 2022, [xem chi tiết]
  6. Supporting displaced adolescent boys and male youth in all their diversity who are survivors or at risk of sexual exploitation: A toolkit for frontline workers in humanitarian contexts (UN Women / WRC), [xem chi tiết]
  7. UNHCR Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2025, [xem chi tiết]


  1. A Prosecutor’s Guide to Radiological and Nuclear Crimes (UNICRI), [xem chi tiết]


  1. Global Analysis on Crimes that affect the Environment: Part 1, The Landscape of Criminalization (UNODC), [xem chi tiết]
  2. Illicit Trade in Food and Food Fraud (WTO), [xem chi tiết]
  3. World Wildlife Crime Report 2024 (UNODC), [xem chi tiết]
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