Tài liệu Liên Hợp Quốc tháng 7/2024

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  1. United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity: Recommendations for Multi-stakeholder Action, [xem chi tiết]
  2. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024, [xem chi tiết]
  3. The People's Climate Vote 2024 (UNDP), [xem chi tiết]
  4. Poster: Women political leaders 2024 (UN Women), [xem chi tiết]


  1. 2024 World Investment Report: Investment facilitation and digital government (UNCTAD), [xem chi tiết]
  2. AI and the Holocaust: rewriting history? The impact of artificial intelligence on understanding the Holocaust (UNESCO), [xem chi tiết]
  3. AI Preparedness Index (AIPI) (IMF), [xem chi tiết]
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Social Security Organizations (UNU-EGOV / ISSA), [xem chi tiết]
  5. Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples (UNESCO), [xem chi tiết]
  6. Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region, [xem chi tiết]
  7. Compendium on Sport for Development and Peace, [xem chi tiết]
  8. The contribution of land and water management approaches to Sustainable Land Management and achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (UNCCD / UNU-EHS), [xem chi tiết]
  9. Disability and Development Report 2024: Accelerating the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals by, for and with persons with disabilities (UN DESA), [xem chi tiết]
  10. Global Report on Early Childhood Care and Education: The right to a strong foundation (UNESCO / UNICEF), [xem chi tiết]
  11. Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders (WHO), [xem chi tiết]
  12. Government Analytics in Europe: Making Public Data Count (World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  13. Hydromet Gap Report 2024: Alliance for Hydromet Development (WMO), [xem chi tiết]
  14. Integrating Low-Cost Sensor Systems and Networks to Enhance Air Quality Applications (WMO / UNEP / IGAC), [xem chi tiết]
  15. Lessons and Recommendations for Implementing Digital Government in Small Island States (UNU-EGOV Policy Brief No. 5, 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  16. Patent Landscape Report - Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) (WIPO), [xem chi tiết]
  17. Prevention and control of iodine deficiency in the WHO European Region: adapting to changes in diet and lifestyle, [xem chi tiết]
  18. The price of inaction: The global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning (UNESCO), [xem chi tiết]
  19. Seeking Synergy Solutions: The Fourt Thematic Reports: 1. Integrating Climate and SDG Knowledge and Data for Action; 2. Policies that Support Both Climate and SDG Action; 3. A New Financial System to Enable Both Climate and SDG Action; 4. How Cities Can Act on Both Climate and SDGs, [xem chi tiết]
  20. Sustainable Development in the UNECE Region: Facing a Headwind in 2024, [xem chi tiết]
  21. Tackling Climate Change: Fostering trust in climate action through quality and standards (UNIDO), [xem chi tiết]
  22. UNESCO Global Judges’ Initiative: survey on the use of AI systems by judicial operators, [xem chi tiết]
  23. WHO clinical treatment guideline for tobacco cessation in adults, [xem chi tiết]


  1. Artificial intelligence and democracy (UNESCO), [xem chi tiết]
  2. Children and armed conflict: Report of the Secretary-General (S/2024/384, 3 June 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  3. Concept note for the Security Council high-level open debate on “Maintenance of international peace and security: addressing evolving threats in cyberspace”, [xem chi tiết]
  4. Concept note for the Security Council open debate on the theme “Children and armed conflict: how to advance our collective norms towards protecting children and ending all grave violations”, [xem chi tiết]
  5. A development approach to advancing gender engagement and addressing gender inequalities in fragile, conflict, and violent situations (World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  6. Environmental Impact of the Conflict in Gaza: Preliminary Assessment of Environmental Impacts (UNEP), [xem chi tiết]
  7. The experimented society: interventions, social science, and the failure of post-conflict reconstruction in Afghanistan (UNU-Wider Working Paper), [xem chi tiết]
  8. Promoting an open and inclusive public sphere (UNDP), [xem chi tiết]


  1. Afghanistan Gender Country Profile 2024, [xem chi tiết]
  2. Breaking the cycle: ending the criminalization of homelessness and poverty: Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights (A/HRC/56/61/Add.3, 26 June 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  3. Cross-border and transnational female genital mutilation: Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/56/29, 17 April 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  4. Mental Health of Older Persons (UNECE Policy Brief on Ageing No. 29), [xem chi tiết]
  5. Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (A/HRC/56/26, 27 May 2024 - Advance unedited version), [xem chi tiết]
  6. Detailed findings on attacks carried out on and after 7 October 2023 in Israel: Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (A/HRC/56/CRP.3, 10 June 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  7. Detailed findings on the military operations and attacks carried out in the Occupied Palestinian Territory from 7 October to 31 December 2023: Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (A/HRC/56/CRP.4, 10 June 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  8. Thematic Report: Indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks during the conflict in Gaza (October – December 2023) (OHCHR), [xem chi tiết]


  1. CERF Handbook (As of January 2024), [xem chi tiết]
  2. Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2023 (UNHCR), [xem chi tiết]
  3. Lessons from Disaster Governance: Port of Beirut Explosion Reform Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (GFDRR / World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  4. Partnership in Action: UNDP and UNHCR Cooperation on Forced Displacement and Statelesness, [xem chi tiết]
  5. On This Journey, No One Cares if You Live or Die: Abuse, Protection and Justice along Routes between East and West Africa and Africa’s Mediterranean Coast – Volume 2 (UNHCR / IOM / MMC), [xem chi tiết]


  1. World Drug Report 2024 (UNODC), [xem chi tiết]
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