Launching Viet Nam Standards: Library Activities – General Terms and Definitions

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In two years (2012-2013), with the consent of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the NLV mobilized effort, wisdom, with many individuals and organizations, in accordance with the provisions of Act national standards and technical standards, has completed the construction of national standards on terms and definitions for use in library activities. On 31 December 2013 the Ministry of Science and Technology has published Viet Nam 10274:2013 standards "Library Activities - General Terms and Definitions" (Pursuant to Decision No.4222/QĐ-KHCN 31 December 2013).


April 21: Day of the Book of Viet Nam

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Ngày sách

 On 24th April 2014, the Prime Minister signed Decision No.284/QĐ-TTg that April 21 is now the Book Day of Viet Nam.The Decision stated Book Day of Viet Nam is held each year to encourage and develop reading in the community awareness of the significance and importance of reading to improve the knowledge and skills to develop thinking, education and training of the human personality. At the same time, it enhances the book, says the role, position and importance of the book in social life, honor readers and whom participated in collection, creation, editing, printing, distribution, conservation, promotion of the book. In addition, it helps to raise the responsibility of all levels, sectors, relevant agencies and social organizations to build and stimulate reading in Viet Nam...


A delegation of the National Library of Viet Nam paid a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany

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In implementation of the Decision numbered 3724/QD-BVHTTDL dated 28.10.2013 of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) has sent 03 officers to the Federal Republic of Germany to work with the German National Library based in the city of Frankfurt am Main (NLG) and the Bavarian State Library (BSL) in Munich to discuss cooperation in the fields of materials exchange, digitization, preservation, staff training from December 7 -14, 2013.

In Frankfurt am Main, the delegation has had several meetings with Director and ten managers of departments of the NLG. The working focused on introduction of the NLV and NLG as well as sharing knowledge and experiences of the two libraries in the fields of library organization, materials exchange, preservation and digitization, human resources developments.

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