The National Library of Viet Nam preliminary review the first six months of 2014

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On the 26th June 2014, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) preliminary review the first 6 months of 2014.

In thefirst 6 months of 2014, the NLV has actively implemented synchronously, effectively political tasks and work targets of the year, initiatives and solutions to improve quality of governance management, operations, using savings, rational, efficient allocation of funds, strengthening and expanding foreign affairs and international co-operation, many events have been organized gradually related to political, cultural, profound social and practical, security and safety for the institution etc. gradually overcome the limitations, challenges and difficulties, complete and outperforming the work targets, shown in some typical results such as:

About the communication and propaganda, NLV has implemented many activities to celebrate the events such as Exhibition “Dien Bien Phu victory through materials in the country and abroad” on the occasion of 60th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu victory; Display materials on the occasion of 100th birthday of General Nguyen Chi Thanh; material exhibition “Eva Peron – Ambassador of Peace” etc. Especially, responding to Viet Nam Book Day 21/4, the NLV held the Book Festival 2014 with theme “Book-From the past to present”, contributing to promote reading in the community with innovation in content, form and quality of operation, continues to affirm the great value of reading, honored authors, works, professional publishing, printing, distribution, Vietnamese libraries.

About professional research works, NLV continues to implement National standards “Library activities – terms and definition” (period 2012-2016) – Part II: “Acquisition and Cataloguing”, implementing 3 ministerial-level research projects “Improving and completing the digital library model at the National Library of Viet Nam and central city libraries”, “Enforcement of copyright and related rights in library-information activities in Viet Nam: current situation and solutions”, “Innovation of management organization model and mode of library operation in Viet Nam”; Completing on time and defend 02 research projects at institutional level “To satisfy the information needs for leaders of the MoCST”, “Complete and develop information services at NLV”, 01 scientific research work “Resource description and access”(RDA) etc.

Regardingseminars, training and professional guidance has successfully held the Launching ceremony and Training course on using DDC23 – Vietnamese edition to train trainers for representation from some public libraries, information centers, specialized libraries and vocational training centers, the training course presented by Dr. Julianne Beall - Assistant to the Dewey Decimal Classification, the U.S. Library of Congress; training course on experience sharing of Traditional, digital and risk management and Conference on Structuring library space fornearly 300 colleagues from the representing city/provincial/academic libraries, information centers, State records management and archives department of Viet Nam etc.

About Party building work, continue to study and follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh; implementing the action program in public relation work; interested in the training works, additional new force for the Party. Trade Union actively organized activities and movements of officers and employees; participating in the Trade Union of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and cultural heritage institutions. NLV’s Youth Union activities have been also improved, promoting the spirit of young enthusiastic, proactive, positive volunteers in the Union activities, programs and charity activities launched by NLV and Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Veterans Association always being to preserve and promote the physical, traditional, actively participate in the construction and development the library, support each other to overcome difficulties in life, completing all assigned tasks.

NLValso the thorough implementation of the tasks last 6 months of 2014 is to focus on improving the political and ideological awareness, strengthen the organization, motivating employees and community co-responsibility, overcoming challenges, focusing on developing resources, the collective wisdom of the program, proposed work plan 2014 of the institution, ensuring quality and efficiency.

Photos of the same event:

Panorama of the preliminary review the first 6 months of 2014

Mrs.KieuThuy Nga - Deputy Director of NLV read the preliminary report of the first 6 months and deployment the tasks the last 6 monthsof 2014

Mr. Kieu Van Hot - former Deputy Director of NLV awardedto the Divisions have made ​​remarkable achievementsin the first 6 months of 2014


Mrs. Phan Thi Kim Dung - Directorof NLV awardedto the individuals have made ​​remarkable achievementsin the first 6 months of 2014



News: Hồng Vân; Photos: Hùng Mạnh