80th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Lyon- Republic of France

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From August 16-22, 2014 the 80th World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA WLIC 2014) was taken place in Lyon, Republic of France. Over 4,000 delegates from more than 120 countries participated in the Congress. Viet Nam sent 5 delegates. During the Congress, theme of the IFLA WLIC 2014 Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledgehas been actively explored and discussed by library and information experts through more than 400 reports in 227 sessions. NLV delegates has actively participated in some focus activities of the IFLA WLIC 2014...


The National Library of Viet Nam organized a training course on the use of the Dewey Decimal Classification – Edition 23 in Vietnamese

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In accordance with the professional plan approved by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, from August 4 to 11, 2014, in Da Nang City, the National Library of Viet Nam organized a training course on the use of the Dewey Decimal Classification - Edition 23 in Vietnamese – DDC 23 in favor of the librarians in charge of cataloging at the information – library in the Center and Tay Nguyen Region. This is second of three courses at the North, Centre and the South. The first training course was held for library – information agencies, training institutions of the mountainous region in the North, North – West and Red River Delta had been organized in Hai Phong City in June 2014. The training course presented all important knowledge regarding the use of DDC23 which help the learners to understand the use of DDC with hierarchical structure and notations; becoming familiar with the different types of notes in DDC; to apply the basic principles for the right choice among the main potential numbers and techniques to add numbers from tables and adding tables to create classification number for a document.


First Symposium "Comments and suggestions for the draft of Vietnamese standard: Library activities –Terms and definitions of acquisition and cataloging"

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On 4th August 2014, at Da Nang City, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) organized the first symposium “Commentsand suggestions for the draft of Vietnamese standard: Library activities – Terms and definitions of acquisition and cataloging”. There were presented of Mr. Pham The Khang – President of Vietnam Library Association, representatives of provincal and city libraries, information centers and libraries of the universities from Da Nang to the South. Vietnamese standards are one of the important factors in assessing the quality and effectiveness of agencies and organizations in general and in the area of ​​the library – information in particular. Since 2012, with the approval of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the NLV has concentrated on efforts and knowledge, took the help of several organizations and individuals, complying with the Law on standards and technical regulation to develop national standards for termsand definitions used in library activities. Following the TCVN 10274:2013“Library activities – General terms and definitions” published in 2013, the NLV continues compiling Vietnamese standards “Library activities – Terminology and definitions of acquisition and cataloging”

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