Activities News

Training courses on application of the cataloging rule Resource Description and Access –Vietnamese edition for libraries in Viet Nam

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In implementing the National Library of Viet Nam’sprofessional training plan for the year 2018 approved by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, from October 1 to November 2, 2018, the National Library of VietNam (NLV) has organized training courseson application of the cataloging rule Resource Description and Access –Vietnamese edition for core cataloguers in the north, central, and south regionsof Viet Nam in order togive instructions for thelibraries to usethe cataloging tools todescribecontent of the digital resources, as well as the resources in non-digital formats (traditional materials).  Resource Description and Access (RDA) is an international cataloging standard which is based on the Anglo-American Cataloging Rule (AACR2), has designed for digital environment to meet the change and development of the information resources. The birth of the RDA has marked an important change, a step forward in the catalogingactivityand been officially applied in many libraries around the world. The organization ofthe training courses onapplication of the RDA cataloging rules for Vietnamese libraries comes from the requirement of modernizing library - information activities with the aim to increase exchanges, share information and promote international integration, especially standardization in processing information and materials.


First symposium: Contributions to development of National Standard “Information and Documentation: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in libraries”

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To carry out the duty assigned by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) on implementing projects of developing National Standards, on December 28, 2018, the NLV organized the first symposium with the aim to exchange, discuss and receive comments of scientists, managers and experts in the field of library, information and standards for the 2nd draft of the National Standard “Information and Documentation: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in libraries”. So far, there hasn’t been anyofficial documents on regulations and guidelines related to the standardofRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) in libraries in Viet Nam. This leadsto the unsynchronizedand inconsistentapplication of the RFID technology into library operation and management, causing difficulties in many processes, such as borrowing/returning materials, inventory, interlibrary loan... Therefore, research and development of the National Standard on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in libraries, specifically the establishment of rules for a data pattern and coding rules for the use of RFID tags for documents matchingthe needs of all library types is necessary and catches up with theoperation trend of the library information agencies around the world in the context of information technology is constantly changing and developing rapidlylike today.


The National Library of Korea presents books to the National Library of Viet Nam

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Within the series of activities of the project "Window on Korea" period 2016-2020, on December 18, 2018, the National Library of VietNam and the Korean Cultural Center in VietNam (representing the National Library of Korea) co-organizedthe Books presentation ceremony for the next phase of the project signed between the two Libraries. In this phase, the National Library of Korea has presented over 200 book titles with various topics in Korean and English to the National Library of Viet Nam. These books will be added to the foreign languages collection of the Library to help scientists, researchers and students learn more about country and people of the Kimchi land. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dung - Deputy Director of the National Library of VietNam expressed the sincere thanks to colleagues of the National Library of Korea as well as leader and staff of the Korean Cultural Centerand hoped that the two national libraries will continue to have more effective cooperation in the future.


Training course on using Resource Description and Access – Vietnameseedition for libraries in northern provinces

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Implementing the 2018 professional training plan of the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) approved by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in the morning of October 1, 2018, in Hai Phong, the NLV held the opening of the training course on using the Resource Description and Access-Vietnamese edition for core cataloguers in northern provinces. This is the first training course of the 3 courses to be held in the North, the Centre and the South respectively. Attending the opening ceremony was Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga - Director of the NLV, Ms. Tran Thi Hoang Mai - Deputy Director of Hai Phong Service of Culture, Sports and Tourism, library leaders in charge of technical services and cataloguers of some information and library institutions in northern mountains and the Red River delta provinces.


National Assembly Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children surveyed the implementation of the Library Ordinance at the National Library of Viet Nam

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On September 13th 2018, the delegation of the National Assembly (NA) Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children (CCEYAC) paid an official visit to the National Library of VietNam(NLV) to survey the implementation of the Library Ordinance of the library. The delegation included Ms. Hoang Thi Hoa - Vice Chairwoman of the CCEYAC; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hung - Standing Member of the CCEYAC, Mr. Phan Viet Luong - Standing Member of the CCEYAC; Mr.Vu Minh Dao - Director of the Department of Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children(DCEYAC); Ms. Nguyen Thi Sau – Deputy Director of the DCEYAC; Ms. Doan Quynh Dung - Deputy Director of the Library Department; Mr. Nguyen Huu Gioi - President of Vietnamese Library Association and expertsof the NA Office and Library Department. Welcoming the delegation wereMs. Kieu Thuy Nga - Director of the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV)andthe Deputy Directors, Head of the library’s divisions.


The 84th World Library and Information Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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On 24-30August 2018, the 84th World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) was hold at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia. The theme “Transform Libraries, Transform Societies” with the additional tagline “Reaching out to the hard to reach” was selected in recognition of the critical role played by libraries in the development of a nation particularly in their ability to transform societies.The congress attracted over 3,500 delegates from 112 countries, with over 250 scientific presentations, seminars, open sessions, more than 600 speakers and 120 posters sharing views about library development trends and experiences in operating library activities, such as: building library development policies and policy orientation of each country, challenges in library activities, public libraries, digital libraries, preservation of materials, library facilities and buildings, user services, legal deposit and copyrightissues, organization and usage of library software, digital libraries, library standards, trends in development of library technology, new technologies for libraries… In addition, IFLA also live streamed highlights of the WLIC to a worldwide audience, without charge (over 17 hours and 9 sessions). The results were more than 100,000 people around the world, in over 70 countries of all continents followed the live-stream through IFLA’s WLIC website, YouTube and Facebook.


Opening "IFLA Global Vision Regional Workshop Asia - Oceania” in Ha Noi, Viet Nam

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To be recommended by the IFLA Governing Board; with support of the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Viet Nam, in the morning of May 24th 2018, the National Library of Viet Nam in collaboration with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) opened the “IFLA Global Vision Workshop for Asia and Oceania”. The Global Vision Project is a major project of IFLA, which was initiated and started in April 2017 through seminars and high level conferences in different areasand anumber of meetings and online topic discussions, involving librarians from 213 countries and regions around the world, including Viet Nam. The aims of the projects are strengthening relations in the field of library, identifyingfuture challenges, opportunities and priority activities which the library environment can respond to rapid changes in society; thereby build concrete action planstoturnglobal visioninto reality. This is an opportunity for regional delegates tomeet anddiscuss to build a common visiontogetherand concrete action plans to turnthe vision of the future libraryinto reality.


The 17th Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL XVII) in Naypyitaw, Myanmar

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From May 2-5, 2018, the 17th Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL XVII), hosted by the National Library of Myanmar in cooperation with the Myanmar Library Association, was held in Naypyitaw, Myanmar with the theme "Next Generation Libraries: Collaborate and Connect". Heldevery three years, CONSAL is the largest and most prestigious scientific forum in Southeast Asia in the field of Information – Library, where member countries have the opportunity to learn, grasp the new trend of development, research, exchange and share experience, participate in joint projects and explore opportunities for collaboration with other libraries in the region and the world. Attending the CONSAL XVII Congress were more than 650 delegates and observers, including about 200 international delegates from 26 countries in the world, with 40 delegates from Viet Nam. At the Opening and Closing ceremonies of the Congress, keynote speeches of the State Counsellor of Myanmar, Vice President of Myanmar...


General Assembly ofFrancophone Digital Network Annual Meeting

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From May3-4, 2018, the annual meeting of the General Assembly ofFrancophone Digital Network took place in Tunis, the capital city of Tunisie, with the participation of 23 delegates representing 19 libraries and national archives of the Francophone countries. This is the first annual meeting since RFN changed its organizational form and operating structure. In June 2017, RFN officially became an international association, and officially known as the Francophone Digital Network – a non profit international organization (RFN-AISBL), which is based in the Royal Libraryof Belgium, with a regular operating budget from the fixed annual membership fee of all members. The meeting focused on issues related to the structure, organization of RFN-AISBL and further affirmed the role of the Association in preserving and promoting the French literary heritage through encouragement and support digitization projects in member countries. These digitized results have contributed to the RFF Digital Library (BRFN), which is based on the Gallica White Label technology. Through BRFN, the Association has provided 247 million French readers with accessibilityto 442 documents on Europe, 438 documents on Africa....


National Library of Viet Nam organizes training course on application of cataloging rule "Resource Description and Access" – the Vietnamese edition (Training of Trainers - ToT)

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In the morning of April 23, 2018, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) held the training course on application of cataloging rules "Resource Description and Access" - Vietnamese edition (Training of Trainers - ToT) lecturing by Dr. Daniel G. Dorner - Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington - New Zealand, Advisor for Information Management Programs, from 23 - 28 April, 2018. Attending the opening ceremony of the training course were Dr. Vu Duong Thuy Nga - Director of Library Department; Ass.Pof. Le Anh Tuan - Deputy Director of Training Department, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; MA. Kieu Thuy Nga – the NLV’s Director, together with the deputy directors, heads and deputy heads of the library’s divisions and participants from the NLV, libraries and information training institutions and major libraries throughout the country.

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