Tài liệu Liên Hợp Quốc tháng 7/2022

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  1. Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, [xem chi tiết]
  2. HLPF - new website, [xem chi tiết]
  3. HLFP 2022, Under the auspices of ECOSOC, [xem chi tiết]
  4. Least Developed Countries (LDC) Portal, [xem chi tiết]


  1. Culture in times of COVID-19: resilience, recovery and revival, [xem chi tiết]
  2. Financing the recovery: a formative evaluation of UNDP's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and SDG financing, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Government responses to COVID-19: Lessons on gender equality for a world in turmoil (UN Women / UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  4. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the realization of the equal enjoyment of the right to education by every girl: Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/50/50, 11 May 2022) , [xem chi tiết]
  5. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on trade and development: Lessons learned (UNCTAD) , [xem chi tiết]
  6. Rethinking risks in times of COVID-19 (UNU-EHS / UNDRR) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. 5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education - Citizenship education: Empowering adults for change (UNESCO-UIL) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Africa SDGs Progress Dashboard, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Arab Human Development Report 2022: Expanding Opportunities for an Inclusive and Resilient Recovery in the Post-Covid Era (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  4. CONNECT e-newsletter (UNU-IAS) , [xem chi tiết]
  5. Financing Education Recovery: A Piece of Cake? (UNICEF Policy Brief) , [xem chi tiết]
  6. Global Climate Context of the Ukraine War (WFP) , [xem chi tiết]
  7. Global Economic Prospects - June 2022 (World Bank) , [xem chi tiết]
  8. How do the cultural contexts of waste practices affect health and well-being? (WHO/Europe) , [xem chi tiết]
  9. Investing in carbon neutrality: Utopia or the new green wave? (FAO / EBRD) , [xem chi tiết]
  10. ITU DataHub, [xem chi tiết]
  11. Making the right to social security a reality for domestic workers: A global review of policy trends, statistics and extension strategies (ILO) , [xem chi tiết]
  12. Maritime trade disrupted: The war in Ukraine and its effects on maritime trade logistics (UNCTAD) , [xem chi tiết]
  13. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Report of the Secretary-General (E/2022/55, 29 April 2022) , [xem chi tiết]
  14. The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2022: The geography of food and agricultural trade; Policy approaches for sustainable development (FAO) , [xem chi tiết]
  15. The State of Global Learning Poverty: 2022 Update, [xem chi tiết]
  16. Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) , [xem chi tiết]
  17. Syria Economic Monitor, Spring 2022: Lost Generation of Syrians (World Bank) , [xem chi tiết]
  18. UN DESA Policy Brief No. 136: Promoting non-discrimination in public administration: some entry points, [xem chi tiết]
  19. UN DESA Policy Brief No. 135: Cryptoassets and so-called “stablecoins”: Where do we go from here? , [xem chi tiết]
  20. UN DESA Policy Brief No. 134: The Great Finance Divide, [xem chi tiết]
  21. UN Ocean Conference – Database for registered commitments, [xem chi tiết]
  22. Understanding the digital media ecosystem: how the evolution of the digital marketing ecosystem impacts tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food marketing (World Bank) , [xem chi tiết]
  23. War in Ukraine Drives Global Food Crisis (WFP) , [xem chi tiết]
  24. Where Is the Value in the Chain? Pathways out of Plastic Pollution (World Bank) , [xem chi tiết]
  25. World Cities Report 2022: Envisaging the Future of Cities (UN-Habitat) , [xem chi tiết]
  26. World mental health report: Transforming mental health for all (WHO) , [xem chi tiết]
  27. WHO scorecards on health and environment, [xem chi tiết]
  28. WTO contribution to the 2022 UN High-Level Political Forum, [xem chi tiết]


  1. 25 Years of Children and Armed Conflict: Taking Action to Protect Children in War (UNICEF) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Concept note for the Security Council high-level open debate on the theme “Keeping the promises: the role of regional organizations in implementing the women and peace and security agenda in the face of political turmoil and seizures of power by force” , [xem chi tiết]
  3. Concept note for the Arria-formula meeting on the theme “Twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute: reflections on the relationship between the International Criminal Court and the Security Council” , [xem chi tiết]
  4. Exploring the Use of Technology for Remote Ceasefire Monitoring and Verification (UNIDIR) , [xem chi tiết]
  5. The People-Centered Approach to Security (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. Child Labour and Responsible Business Conduct: A Guidance Note for Action (UNICEF) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Civilian Deaths in the Syrian Arab Republic: Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/50/68, 28 June 2022) , [xem chi tiết]
  3. Ending Internet shutdowns: a path forward; Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association (A/HRC/47/24/Add.2, 15 June 2022) , [xem chi tiết]
  4. Istanbul Protocol: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OHCHR) , [xem chi tiết]
  5. Losing a generation: how the military junta is devastating: Myanmar’s children and undermining Myanmar’s future - Conference room paper of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (A/HRC/50/CRP.1) , [xem chi tiết]
  6. Minding the Corporate Gap: How Human Rights Defenders and Companies Can Work Together to Tackle Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Intersex Persons (OHCHR) , [xem chi tiết]
  7. Protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests during crisis situations - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Clément Nyaletsossi Voule (A/HRC/50/42, 16 May 2022) , [xem chi tiết]
  8. The situation of human rights in Ukraine in the context of the armed attack by the Russian Federation, 24 February to 15 May 2022, [xem chi tiết]
  9. Syria’s Missing and Disappeared: Is There a Way Forward? Recommendations for a Mechanism with an International Mandate, [xem chi tiết]
  10. Tackling abuse of older people: five priorities for the United Nations decade of healthy ageing (2021–2030) (WHO) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. Building Resilient Migration Systems in the Mediterranean Region: Lessons from COVID-19 (World Bank) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Early warning, alert and response to acute public health events in refugee-hosting countries (WHO/Europe / ECDC) , [xem chi tiết]
  3. Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2021, [xem chi tiết]
  4. The price the world's forcibly displaced could pay (UNHCR) , [xem chi tiết]
  5. Skills and labour market transitions for refugees and host communities, [xem chi tiết]
  6. Situation Report on International Migration 2021: Building forward better for migrants and refugees in the Arab region (ESCWA / IOM / UNHCR) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. Beyond the Pandemic – The Justice Emergency (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. E-Justice: Digital Transformation to Close the Justice Gap (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  3. Environmental Justice: Securing Our Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  4. ICC at 20: Five things you should know about the International Criminal Court, [xem chi tiết]
  5. UN Audiovisual Library of International Law – new lectures: Relevance and Usefulness of International Humanitarian Law: The Laws of War Today , [xem chi tiết]; Mini-series on International Environmental Law , [xem chi tiết]; Guide to Provisional Application of Treaties , [xem chi tiết]


  1. Combating Waste Trafficking: A Guide to Good Legislative Practices (UNODC) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Exploitation and Abuse: The Scale and Scope of Human Trafficking in South Eastern Europe (UNODC) , [xem chi tiết]
  3. World Drug Report 2022 (UNODC) , [xem chi tiết]
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