Tài liệu Liên Hợp Quốc tháng 11/2023

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  1. Israel-Gaza Crisis - new website, [xem chi tiết]
  2. 2023 UN Card, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Political Declarations adopted at the 78th session of the General Assembly: A/RES/78/1 ; A/RES/78/3 ; A/RES/78/4 ; A/RES/78/5
  4. Stories from the UN Archive - A breathtaking collection of major moments of UN history, [xem chi tiết]


  1. 2023 State of Climate Services: Health (WMO), [xem chi tiết]
  2. Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared; Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed (UNEP), [xem chi tiết]
  3. The African fashion sector: trends, challenges & opportunities for growth (UNESCO), [xem chi tiết]
  4. All Hands on Deck: Supporting IMO Member States to meet their obligations (IMO), [xem chi tiết]
  5. The Diet Impact Assessment model: a tool for analyzing the health, environmental and affordability implications of dietary change (WHO/Europe), [xem chi tiết]
  6. Europe and Central Asia Economic Update, Fall 2023: Sluggish Growth, Rising Risks (World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  7. The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and Growth in Europe (World Bank), [xem chi tiết]
  8. Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!): Guidance to support country implementation; 2nd edition (WHO) , [xem chi tiết]
  9. Guide for smart and sustainable city leaders: Enabling digital transformation in smart sustainable cities (ITU) , [xem chi tiết]
  10. The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2023: Avoiding and reducing losses through investment in resilience (FAO) , [xem chi tiết]
  11. Interconnected Disaster Risks: Risk Tipping Points 2023 (UNU) , [xem chi tiết]
  12. Least Developed Countries Report 2023: Crisis-resilient development finance, [xem chi tiết]
  13. Production Gap Report 2023: Phasing down or phasing up? Top fossil fuel producers plan even more extraction despite climate promises (UNEP) , [xem chi tiết]
  14. Progress, good practices and lessons learned in prioritizing and incorporating gender-responsive adaptation action - Policy brief (UNFCCC) , [xem chi tiết]
  15. Promoting physical activity and healthy diets for healthy ageing in the WHO European Region, [xem chi tiết]
  16. Reaching children with a holistic approach: Enhancing synergies between social protection and civil registration systems for an inclusive and equitable society (UNICEF) , [xem chi tiết]
  17. Social protection and anticipatory action to protect agricultural livelihoods (FAO) , [xem chi tiết]
  18. The State of Food and Agriculture 2023: Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems (FAO) , [xem chi tiết]
  19. State of Global Water Resources 2022 (WMO) , [xem chi tiết]
  20. UNCCD Data Dashboard, [xem chi tiết]
  21. Urban forests: a global perspective (FAO) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. Concept note for the Security Council open debate on the theme “Peace through dialogue: the contribution of regional, subregional and bilateral arrangements to the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes” , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Concept note for the Security Council open debate on the theme “Women’s participation in international peace and security: from theory to practice” , [xem chi tiết]
  3. Concept note for the Arria-formula meeting on the theme “Preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence” , [xem chi tiết]
  4. War on Gaza 2023: an unprecedented and devastating impact (ESCWA) , [xem chi tiết]
  5. Women and peace and security: Report of the Secretary-General (S/2023/725, 28 September 2023), [xem chi tiết]


  1. Attack on Funeral Reception in Hroza, 5 October 2023 (HRMMU) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. DPPA-OHCHR Practice Note: Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of mediation efforts through human rights, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Mental health, human rights and legislation: guidance and practice, [xem chi tiết]
  4. OHCHR Technical Note on the Human Rights of Intersex People: Human Rights Standards and Good, [xem chi tiết]
  5. Parliaments and Human Rights: A self-assessment toolkit, [xem chi tiết]
  6. Protecting Human Rights in Constitutions (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  7. Taking Stock: Sexual and Reproductive and Health and Rights in Climate Commitments: A Global Review (UNFPA) , [xem chi tiết]
  8. Together for prevention: Handbook on multisectoral national action plans to prevent violence against women and girls (UN Women) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. 2023 Global Survey Report on Persons with Disabilities and Disasters (UNDRR) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Post-Disaster Needs Assessment: 2023 Kakhovka Dam Disaster, Ukraine, [xem chi tiết]
  3. Rapid Environmental Assessment of Kakhovka Dam Breach Ukraine, 2023 (UNEP) , [xem chi tiết]


  1. Building inclusive democracies: A guide to strengthening the participation of LGBTI+ persons in political and electoral processes (UNDP) , [xem chi tiết]
  2. Guidance Note of the Secretary General: Transitional Justice - A Strategic Tool for People, Prevention and Peace, [xem chi tiết]


  1. Afghanistan opium survey 2023 (UNODC Research Brief, August 2023) , [xem chi tiết]
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