Activities News

The National Library of Vietnam coordinated with Quang Ninh Provincal Library to donate English books to 15 Primary school in the provincal area

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Responding to Vietnam Book Day 21st April, World Book and Copyright Day 23rd April, implementing the Agreement on the project of 2012-2015 period between the National Library of Vietnam (NLV) and Asia Foundation on sponsoring English books to school libraries in Vietnam, on 28th June, 2015, in Ha Long, the NLV coordinated with Quang Ninh Provincial Library to host a donation of 1,500 English books funded by Asia Foundation for 15 primary schools of the province. Attending the donation were Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha, Deputy Director of Quang Ninh Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dung, Deputy Director of the NLV, Mr. Pham The Khang, Chairman of Vietnam Library Association, Mrs. Dinh Kieu Nhung, Chief of Asia Foundation in Vietnam, Mrs. Vu Thi Kim Dung, Director of Quang Ninh Provincial Library with representatives from school managing board of Primary schools, Leaders of Culture Center and Children Club in Ha Long City.


Announcement of appointment decision to the Director of the National Library of Vietnam

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In the afternoon of 9th June, 2015, at the National Library of Vietnam (NLV), Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MoCST) has announced the decision to appoint to the position of Director of the NLV. Mr. Nguyen Van Tan, Member of Personnel Committee, Director of Personnel and Organization Department – MoCST has come and granted the decision. At the ceremony, under the authorization of Party Committee, Mrs. Le Thi Phuong, Deputy Director of Personnel Committee, Deputy Director of Personnel and Organization Department – MoCST has announced a decision to appoint Mrs. Kieu Thuy Nga to act as the Director of the NLV when Mrs. Phan Thi Kim Dung are retired on full pay.


Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc pays a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam on the Book Festival 2015

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In the afternoon of April 18, 2015, Politburo Member and Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc paid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam on the occasion of the Book Festival 2015. After visiting and joining activities of the Book Festival 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has had a meeting with the National Library of Viet Nam. At the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister appreciated the NLV’s achievements in all fields and praised efforts of the leaders, officials and employees of the NLV throughout different stages, especially in the recent years when the NLV has promoted its functions and tasks, as well as confirmed the role and responsibility towards operation of the library sector at home and abroad. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister also directed that leaders, officials and employees of the NLV should continue to practise, learn and improve the professional competencies to have more practical contributions to the comprehensive development of the NLV, especially the younger generation must expand upon the tradition of the previous generations to be worthy of the NLV’s 100-year tradition.


Memorandum of Understanding’s Signing Ceremony between the National Library of Viet Nam and University of Tsukuba, Japan period 2015 - 2020

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On March 3, 2015, the Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) and University of Tsukuba, Japan has been held solemnly at University of Tsukuba under the witness of Management Board of the Faculty of Library, Information and Media, Graduate school in company with the Professors of University of Tsukuba and Director of the National Library of Viet Nam. This is the third phase of cooperation between NLV and University of Tsukuba, Japan. After the signing ceremony, two Parties had a discussion about the implementation’s methods of bilateral cooperation activities in the period 2015 – 2020 base on a sense of goodwill and cooperation. The main cooperative areas will be the exchange of information, materials; experience discussion of projects, schemes for information – library profession; cooperation in training, staff exchange; developing research collaboration and organizing conferences, workshops, academic discussion in order to promote the development of the Library and Information profession in Viet Nam and Japan.


Preliminary conference: Application of the Dewey Decimal Classification, Edition 23 in Vietnamese - DDC 23 to libraries in Viet Nam

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On October 24, 2014, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) has organized a preliminary conference: Application of the Dewey Decimal Classification, Edition 23 in Vietnamese – DDC 23 to libraries in Viet Nam. Attending the conference were Dr. Vu Duong Thuy Nga - Deputy Director General of Library Department, Mr. Do The Anh- official in charge of Library-Museum, Planning and Finance Department, Mr. Andrew H. Wang-Vice President, OCLC Asia Pacific, Ms. Shu-En Tsai- Executive Director, Asia Pacific Services. OCLC Asia Pacific, themembers of Advisory Committee – DDC 23 in Vietnamese, representatives from bureaus, departments, institutions directly under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, representatives from local libraries, library – information center of the universities, specialized and interdisciplinarylibraries, library-vocational training centers in the country.


Photo Exhibition entitled “Ha Noi – The Takeover Day” at the National Library of Viet Nam

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On October 10, 1954, Ha Noi witnessed a historical event. There weren’t fierce battles which Quang Trung’s troops defeated invaders and liberated Thang Long Citadel in the Spring of 1789 (the Year of Rooster). There also weren’t iron fists thrusting into the President Palace in the center of Sai Gon and forcing enemy surrendered unconditionally like the Great victory in the spring 1975. There were only units of the People’s Army of Viet Nam entering to takeover Ha Noi in order to implement the Geneva Agreements 1954, ending the occupation of French colonialism. That day was called “the Takeover Day”, however it’s really meant to be “the Liberation Day” since it was the result of 9- year-protracted resistance of nationwide people and of the direct impact from Dien Bien Phu Great victory.


Workshop: implementation of copyright and related rights in library-information activities in Viet Nam

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On August 29, 2014, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) held workshop Enforcement of copyright and related rights in library-information activities in Vietnam, the workshop is aimed to perform the task given by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism appointed for the NLV as chairman of this ministerial science study. Attending theworkshop were representatives from the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Bureau of Copyright; representatives of Viet Nam Library Association, Viet Nam Information and Documentation Association, libraries from provinces and cities, library - information center at the universities, specialized and multi-disciplinary libraries. Copyright is a part of intellectual property rights, including a set of rights for creators over their works of science, literature and art. In the communication - library section, most of activities are related to copyright, from creating information resources, compiling information products to serving users.


The second Symposium "Comments and suggestions for the draft of Vietnamese standard: Library activities –Terms and definitions of acquisition and cataloging"

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Following the first symposiumwas organized in Da Nang, on August 29, 2014, the National Library of Viet Nam has held the second symposium “Commentsand suggestions for the Vietnamese Standard Draft: Library activities – Terms and definitions of acquisition and cataloging” in order to continue gather discussion exchanges, suggestions on issues to the StandardsDraft. Acquisition and cataloging are the first factors deciding quality and quantity of book storage, making a united way of using materials and affecting on information-library activities, creating potential information in single agency, as well as the whole library profession. Acquisition and cataloging are not only have a special significant in improving the information resource’s quality, but the basic standard in determining the social status of the library, especially in the period of building an industrialized, modernized country.



Exhibition “ASEAN cultural space”

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On the occasion of the 69th Anniversary of the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, the 47th Anniversary of establishing the Association of Southeast Asian Nation – ASEAN, and 19 years since Viet Nam joined ASEAN, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism held the exhibition titled “ASEAN cultural space” on August 28, 2014. Attending the Opening Ceremony were Mr. Vuong Duy Bien, Deputy Minister ofthe Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Le Nhu Tien, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and ChildrenAffairs, Mr. Nguyen The Ky, Deputy Head of the Central Committee’s Propaganda Department, Mrs. Phan Thi Kim Dzung – Director of the National Library of Viet Nam, the Ambassadors, representatives from Embassies: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, representatives of foreign cultural centers in Viet Nam, representatives from Ministries, Departments, Agencies of the Country and Hanoi; public and readers.


80th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Lyon- Republic of France

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From August 16-22, 2014 the 80th World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA WLIC 2014) was taken place in Lyon, Republic of France. Over 4,000 delegates from more than 120 countries participated in the Congress. Viet Nam sent 5 delegates. During the Congress, theme of the IFLA WLIC 2014 Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledgehas been actively explored and discussed by library and information experts through more than 400 reports in 227 sessions. NLV delegates has actively participated in some focus activities of the IFLA WLIC 2014...

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