In the morning of March 9, 2011, National Library of Vietnam (NLV) hold a talk on the subject “Cataloguing in Publication” (CIP) presented by Dr. John Celli, Former Chief Executive of Cataloguing in Publication Division, Library of Congress, the U.S.A.

Attending the talk were Mr. Dao Manh Hung, Vice-Director of Training Department (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), Ms. Vu Duong Thuy Nga, Vice-Director of Library Department (MoCST), Mr. Pham The Khang, Vice-President of Vietnamese Library Association, Ms. Phan Thi Kim Dzung, Director of NLV and representatives from publishing houses, universities and colleagues of library and information science, public libraries, special libraries and information centers

Cataloguing in Publication has been implemented at the Library of Congress since 1990s of the last century. In Vietnam, this work has just been initiated by NLV since the last 3 years. Since 2010, under the approval of MoCST, NLV has cooperated with Publishing Department (Ministry of Information and Communication) to officially implement CIP program with 59/59 prestigious publishing houses of Vietnam. This is a voluntary cooperation program between publishing institutions and libraries.

The talk by Dr. John Celli focused on such fundamental issues of CIP as: overview of CIP, role of publishing houses when participating in CIP program, process of building electronic CIP, process to implement CIP at libraries and publishing houses, etc. Besides, the lecturer has also shared with audience, especially those in charge of CIP at publishing houses and bookstores in Vietnam his experiences in implementing the CIP program as well as structure of the software for processing CIP at the Library of Congress.

The talk took place in an open atmosphere. Audience had chances to communicate and exchange ideas directly with Dr. John Celli about CIP. The organizers hope that this talk will help people working in publishing, distribution, library and information institutions to better understand the significance, roles and effects of implementing a unified and standard cataloguing in publication progam and CIP staff can get more knowledge about skills and processes to run this important task.
News and photos: Nguyen Thu Trang