In implementation of the Agreement on cooperation between United Mexican States and Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the fields of education and culture, Embassy of United Mexican States in Vietnam in cooperation with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam (MoCST) organized the Photographic Exhibition entitled “Mexico – Country of colors”. The exhibition was officially launched in the morning of February 18, 2011 at the National Library of Vietnam.
Attending the opening ceremony were Mr. Huỳnh Vĩnh Ái, Deputy-Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam; Mr. Nguyễn Thành Biên, Vice-Minister of Industry and Trade of Vietnam; Mr. Lê Ngọc Định, Vice-Director of International Cooperation Department (MoCST); Mr. Nguyễn Hải Anh, Director of Emulation and Reward Department (MoCST). On partner side, NLV has the honor to welcome Mr. Sergio Rivadeneya Martell – Chargés d’Affaires of the United Mexican States in Vietnam; Ambassadors, Chargés d’Affaires and members of the diplomatics corps. of foreign embassies in Vietnam including Embassy of Argentina, Chile, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Panama, Venezuela, etc. and international organizations; departments, institutions and Press agencies in Hanoi.
The exhibition entitled “Mexico – Country of colors” is a cultural event intiating cultural activities of United Mexican States in Vietnam in the year 2011. The exhibition introduces with citizen of Hanoi the diversity of Mexico in the fields of culture and history – a country of colors and rich of festival spirit. In addition, the photographs by Ricardo Espinosa allow the spectator to fell the intensity and the power of the places, natural sceneries, monuments, architecture, art, festivals and the popular traditions of Mexico.
Mr. Huỳnh Vĩnh Ái, Deputy-Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam Vice presents a painting to Mr. Sergio Rivadeneya Martell – Chargés d’Affaires of the United Mexican States in Vietnam
Mr. Sergio Rivadeneya Martell – Chargés d’Affaires of the United Mexican States in Vietnam presents a book collection to the National Library of Vietnam
On this occasion, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico presented a book collection published in Spanish to the National Library of Vietnam. This collection is expected to help broaden Vietnamese readers’ views on Mexico in parcicular and more generally on Latin-American studies. This significant cultural activity is believed to strengthen the friendship relations between the two countries. In addition, this can be seen as a symbol of appreciation, friendship, cooperation and goodwill towards the Vietnamese people and government.
The exhibition is open to the publics from February, 18 until 25 of 2011.
Followings are some photos at the exhibition:

News and Photos: Phương Lan, Resource: International Relations Division